Monday, February 28, 2011

True High Magic!

Paul Douglas Valentine on New Haven’s News Channel 8’s Positively Connecticut (May 3, 1999)

"On almost any day, sunny or rainy, hikers at West Rock are likely to run into Paul Valentine, even in the middle of a snowstorm. 

Paul Valentine: "All of New Haven was brought to a standstill, and it was almost like I could hear the silence, and if I was ever at any time close to God it was then." 

Paul spends hours every day walking the trails and taking care of them. 

Valentine: "Students would come up here and just ride their bikes, and not care that this is a main tap root and finally I thought well it doesn't seem like anybody is going to be doing anything about this, so I fenced off both ends and planted grass and flowers and various trees." 

Paul doesn't get paid, and he calculates he has spent about $9,000 of his own money on everything from top soil, to grass seed, to flowers and trees that he plants here. That's why he's been called the 'Guardian of The Rock.’ 

Mike Barker, Chief of Parks Security: "It's a good name for him. As long as I have known him he's been coming up and working on the trails, dealing with the erosion problems and he's cleared it all with the state and he's always cleared it with us as to what he's doing and so forth." 

Some people have called Paul Valentine a big man with a big heart. That doesn't mean he can't be tough. Ask any of the hikers he's caught abusing nature. 

He's scolded people he finds littering, and warned people not to ride their bikes over tender plants and tree roots. He's covered over their graffiti, and picked up their cigarette butts. He knows the city and state which jointly own the park can't afford much on upkeep, so he's hoping to encourage other volunteers. 

"It doesn't take much. Come up here with a bag of grass seed, spread some seed. If you see some big rocks in the middle of the trail have been moved, put em back." 

Some people mail seeds to Paul, and friends at nurseries save plants they can't sell. 

"At first they just thought I was a nut case who had no life whatsoever, but then they saw photos of what I have been doing, and heard through word of mouth that its looking really good, and I've had people come up to me and say, here's a ten spot, buy a tree." 

Paul Valentine discovered West Rock Park when he first came to Connecticut about 15 years ago. 

Valentine: "Saw West Rock and just fell in love with the place, and I am a hard core Connecticut fanatic now. If I draw my last breath here I'll go a happy man." 

A happy man who's heart is in a park that's Positively Connecticut. "

Clinton vandals should think about the actions of hero of West Rock (July 10, 1999) 
A New Haven Register editorial. 

To the benefit of all, a Wallingford man tends West Rock State Park. He finds spiritual rewards in the process. 

To the detriment of all, unidentified vandals leave a vile, disgusting mess at a Clinton park. And we wonder what possible reward they might have found. 

The hero is Paul Valentine, 43, who has toiled to improve West Rock in his spare time for 16 years. He's hauled soil, shrubs, flowers, even water to help plants during drought, onto the ridge, often lugging them over walking trails. 

The state has given him permission to do his work, which he estimates has cost him about $9,000 in addition to his labor and love.

Valentine wants to revive the park's ecosystem so more native animals will return. He already has encountered foxes, rattlesnakes and a bobcat there. 

"What is my goal? I want to get people to show more respect for this place," Valentine explains.

He recalls times in the park that were "like a religious epiphany. I've never felt so close to God." 

There was no such feeling at Clinton's Ethel Peters Recreation Complex recently. Perhaps the vandals thought it funny to jam the toilets and smear with excrement the walls and ceilings in two small restrooms during an annual soccer tournament that attracted 70 teams from around the state. Everyone surely agrees it's a laugh riot to damage public property, give the town a bad name, and deny 70 teams and their fans decent sanitation, right? 

Stupid destruction is nothing new. And sadly, it seems society almost expects it from teen-agers; "just a kid's prank," "a part of growing up", and excuses it. 

It's time some answers were found concerning such irrational malice. Most vandals do grow out of it, and yes, many kids do not ever get involved, so it would seem to be a fascinating subject for concerted scientific investigation. 

Studying such irrational behavior could well give us some insights into destructive ignorance at work. Finding ways to encourage reasoning can benefit everyone. 

And finding a lesson from the spirituality possessed by Paul Valentine won't hurt either. 

Mediate fence tiff at West Rock (September 16, 1999) 
A New Haven Register editorial. 

A New Haven Register editorial. 

The dispute between a volunteer park friend and a ranger at West Rock State Park should be resolved simply and quickly. 

The state needs more people like the extraordinary volunteer, Paul Valentine, who has spent 16 years of his life and money restoring and preserving the park's beauty. 

Valentine has devoted himself to planting native shrubs and protecting plants and trees. He is appalled by the litter thrown from the summit, the damage from dirt bikes to walking trails and the vandalism to plantings. 

He has worked closely with both city and state officials. But, he has recently found himself in a disagreement with a state park supervisor, Alexander Sokolow. Sokolow wants him to take down 25 feet of fencing erected to protect trees from erosion and damage to their roots from dirt bikes. 

The state's park official is the first to say Valentine's heart is in the right place. The underfunded state parks could use 100 more volunteers with such a deep love for a park. 

Some quick mediation is needed from someone higher up in the state Department of Environmental Protection. Valentine loves West Rock too much to forsake it over a disputed fence; and West Rock needs the love and tender care Valentine has invested there. 

1986: The World's Introduction to Paul Douglas Valentine and the WCSL!

An excellent insight to the mythical "Satanic child abuse" of the 1980s.

It's been claimed that Fangoria magazine's Scream Greats Vol. 2 killed the series, but that is absolute nonsense. What ended it was not anger at and rejection of this installment by Fangoria readers and horror fans in general, but instead the company's own disinterest in continuing it. My pride in this is not just the fact that it features me and my then fledgling (one month old) Church of Satanic Liberation. Rather it is a valuable expose of factions on both ends of the spectrum - including mine, warts and all. That and the film clips are priceless.

In its initial release, the truly disturbing parts of this production were the obvious psychopaths claiming to have been witness to child sacrifice; acts which NEVER took place. According to an FBI report several years later, the whole "Satanic child abuse" hysteria was groundless, including reports by women claiming they'd been raised to be "breeders for Satan".

There are indeed comedic aspects. I believe the Warrens and Lady Rhea steal the show here, surpassing even my all too obvious drug induced (Comtrex and beer) ramblings. Why? They took their nonsense and themselves seriously. That was a trap I never allowed myself to fall into.

Overall, Scream Greats Vol. 2 is an interesting, important, and comical look into a major social issue of its time. Watch it with an open mind.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Waiting To Play In The Dirt


Here In Michigan tomorrow it's expected to be a high of 45 degrees and rainy. I'm very much looking forward to no snow and the sight of my garden again. Last year I planted two young Top Hat blueberries which on average don't produce until the second season. This Spring I'll be adding an older Northsky blueberry to cross pollenate. While blueberries are self-pollenating, the yields are much greater if a different cultivar is introduced. We'll have to wait and see.
Top Hat

Fidelity, Fearlessness, and Fecundity ('06 - '12)

Since founding the Worldwide Church of Satanic Liberation on January 8th of 1986, Paul Douglas Valentine has worked tirelessly to not only promote the organization but also educate the clueless as to what true Satanism is. Global appearances and four years of YouTube videos have helped him achieve that goal, and now we offer you a chance to own a piece of WCSL history.

PDValentine on YouTube: 6 Years, 600 Videos, 8000 Paid Members!

This collection of PDV’s initial four years on YouTube (June ‘06 - January ‘012) contains 600 videos*.  All this comes on 4 DVDs for the incredibly low price of only $24.95! (FREE shipping)**

SPECIAL BONUS!!! All orders will include 24 outtakes never before seen by anyone, plus a free lifetime membership to the Worldwide Church of Satanic Liberation! (membership card only)

*Videos are in the MP4, .AVI, and .MOV format.
**$5.00 outside the US.

Until I can get the PayPal 'Buy Now' buttons to work here, you can easily purchase anything on the WCSL site this way:

1. Go to
2. Select the send money tab
3. Choose 'Send Money Online' 
4. Type in the amount (including applicable postage)
5. Select 'Friends and Family' (YOU'RE paying the transaction fee, not I)
6. In the 'Send to' box type If you don't have a PayPal account? Stop being a lazy bastard and get one. It takes three minutes.

If you don't have a credit or debit card? Well then, you're shit out of luck.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bigger, Bolder, Better!

For twenty-six years the Worldwide Church of Satanic Liberation has been both the most respected and reviled of Satanic organisations. Unlike the Church of Satan and its numerous clones, the WCSL demands its members be free thinkers unafraid to question, challenge, and confront. No ethnic group or religious heritage is frowned upon, and founder Paul Douglas Valentine does not hide behind a plethora of middlemen. He offers immediate access and welcomes legitimate criticism of himself, his ideas, and the WCSL.

Unfortunately, the harmless Satanism of the 1980s that sparked needless fears of human sacrifice, child abuse, etc., has become a potentially very dangerous entity in the hands of a new breed of unabashed Nazis who flaunt their bigotry and hatred. Contrary to most white supremacist groups, the recent wave of “Satanic“ Aryans have rebuked Christianity completely and claim to actually worship Satan. Mr. Valentine and the WCSL vehemently oppose such groups, and believe that pride in one’s heritage is fine so long as others of different bloodlines are not belittled or endangered because of it. The WCSL boasts members of every ethnic group and while most of the roster is atheist, our people bring knowledge and experience in dozens of religions, including Christianity, Judaism, Wicca, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and even Jainism.

Educationally our members range from high school students to PhDs. Nevertheless, they are neither elevated nor ignored by their academic status. As anyone who has had the pleasure of interaction with Mr. Valentine knows, everyone within the WCSL is respected equally.

Equally important is the fact the WCSL does NOT promote an “anything goes” lifestyle because we believe mindless debauchery under the guise of individuality is best left to undisciplined hedonists.

We believe it is impossible to definitely prove or disprove the existence of God or adequately define, describe or understand a deistic existence. We personally find no evidence of any supreme being, collectively. Belief in the existence of the deistic existence is subjective.

We believe that any so-called Holy Scripture is humanly generated, authored by sometimes ordinary and sometimes extraordinary people but never by a supreme being.

We believe that professional gurus, including religious clergy of every type, are extraneous and unnecessary as spokespersons of esoteric wisdom. They should be replaced with objective facilitators who encourage all to think for themselves.

We believe, based on how we want to be treated by others, that (a) We can choose right over wrong without the aid of definitions from any church, creed or belief system; and (b) We are responsible for our own deliberate actions. In some temporal manner we may suffer consequences or reap benefits from our intentional behaviour.

We believe, because fixed doctrines inhibit spiritual and/or intellectual growth and freedom, that mandated creeds or faith tenets should not be required for fellowship or participation in the life of a truth seeking community.

Yearly Membership is $15.00 US. You receive:
1 full-colour, foil embossed WCSL membership card.
1 WCSL button
*** Free bonus! One copy each of Scream Greats Vol. 2 (1986) and PDV live on Kelly & Company (1989)***
::Foreign requests must add $5.00 US postage::

Lifetime Membership Package #1 is $200 US. You receive:
Any one (1) item of your choice from either WCSL Store:
(http:/ or **Flip Mino not included**.
1 full-colour, foil embossed WCSL membership card.
1 Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible - autographed by PDV.
1 copy of PDV’s appearance on Detroit’s Kelly & Company (1988).
1 copy of Scream Greats Vol. 2: Satanism & Witchcraft (1986)

:::::::SPECIAL “Cash For Clunkers” OFFER!!!:::::::::

Simply turn in your membership card of any other Satanic church/organization/club and you will receive the $200 package for just $100!***** (If you wish to keep your card a photocopy will do.)

Lifetime Membership Package #2 is $999.00 US. You receive:
Any five (5) items of your choice the WCSL Store
at **Flip Mino not included**
1 custom plastic WCSL membership card
1 copy of Scream Greats Vol. 2: Satanism & Witchcraft (1986)
1 copy of PDV’s first Sally Jessy Raphael appearance (1988)
1 copy of PDV on Kelly & Co. (1989)
1 copy of The Satanic Bible (autographed by PDV)
1 12 inch, fully articulated, anatomically correct, talking PDV action figure
1 Autographed copy of Paul Douglas Valentine’s “The Satanic Cookbook©” when it is released in 2012
1 WCSL Flip Mino of your choice

Until I can get the PayPal 'Buy Now' buttons to work here, you can easily purchase anything on the WCSL site this way:

1. Go to
2. Select the send money tab
3. Choose 'Send Money Online' 
4. Type in the amount (including applicable postage)
5. Select 'Friends and Family' (YOU'RE paying the transaction fee, not I)
6. In the 'Send to' box type If you don't have a PayPal account? Stop being a lazy bastard and get one. It takes three minutes.

If you don't have a credit or debit card? Well then, you're shit out of luck.

**Apple’s Extended Care warranty is the sole responsibility of the individual.
***iPhone connection is the sole responsibility of the individual.
****If that’s a problem for potential members? Tough shit. How hard is this, folks?
*****At this price the two items offered from the WCSL store can NOT exceed $20 each.